Although the Association Freudienne de Psychanalyse en Longues Séances (AFPLS) is not affiliated with the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), its code of ethics adheres to the principles of that of the IPA.
In accordance with the recommendations of the IPA, among its principles the AFPLS’s code of ethics includes human rights, deontology and psychoanalytic values.
In these pages, the terms “analyst” and “psychoanalyst” include trainee psychoanalysts who have completed their didactic analysis and whose practice is under observation.
All AFPLS psychoanalysts are committed to respecting the principles and procedures of the code of ethics.
To perform a psychoanalysis in long sessions, the following guidelines regarding the protection of the analysands, the psychoanalysts, and the AFPLS must be followed:
- The decision to undertake a psychoanalysis in long sessions is based on the principle of the free will of the analysand and analyst. As a general rule, the end of the analysis is agreed by mutual consent.
- Any abuse of authority by the analyst toward the analysand is incompatible with the ethical rules of the AFPLS (and of the IPA). Abuse of authority includes attempts at seduction, in particular of a sexual nature, sexual relations between analyst and analysand, any financial claim beyond what is agreed in the analytic contract before the psychoanalysis starts, any verbal or physical violence, and any use, in the interests of the analyst, of information received during the relationship with the analysand.
The consent of the analysand does not relieve the analyst of their responsibility.
It is essential to consider that transference and countertransference are not necessarily resolved with the end of the analysis, all the more so if it ends prematurely. - These rules also apply to the relationships between training analysts and candidates or analysts under supervision.
- A psychoanalyst who is temporarily or permanently unable to ensure their activity, whether for physical or psychic reasons, must interrupt it.
- The personal analyst and training analyst are bound by professional secrecy. This obligation implies absolute discretion when presenting cases, in seminars, or in publications which include clinical material. All communications and documents regarding the analysand are confidential. The personal analyst or training analyst is responsible for ensuring that any written (published) document regarding an analysand remains anonymous. Professional secrecy may only be broken with the consent of the analysand.
- If, during an analysis, a psychoanalyst receives information which poses an ethical problem, they must inform the analysand of the existence of the code of ethics but are nonetheless still bound to confidentiality.